Biostimulants or growth promoters are ”products containing substances and/or microorganisms able to support – at low application doses – the growth and development of crops during the agricultural cycle, from seed germination to transplanting, until the harvesting”.
They can increase the power of the plants, improving both quality and quantity of the yields. In detail, such formulations augment the photosynthetic efficiency and the absorption of nutritional elements supplied with the basal fertilization, and they improve rooting, vegetative growth and resistance against biotic and abiotic stress.
Over the last years we often face situations in which the crops cycle does not allow the soil to rest adequately, causing fatigue and consequently poor production and low-quality parameters. In such circumstances, biostimulants are valid allies for obtaining quality production performance and improving the phytosanitary status of plants. In this article we’re focusing on the importance of using “Activeg” biostimulant by Hydro Fert, a product with a specific action allowed in organic agriculture, recommended for the nutrition of vegetables and in particular of zucchini, one of the main Italian crops in a protected environment.

Zucchini is a monoecious plant that grows at optimal temperatures levels of 15°-18°C over the night and 21°-24°C during the day. It is characterized by a fast growth with a considerable leaf development, and requires high nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) units, while the request for phosphorus (P) is not relevant. Since it is a short-cycle species, the plant must be able, compatibly with the climatic conditions, to take the full advantage of the applied fertilizers.
Considering all the above-mentioned characteristics, Activeg represents the ideal solution for the zucchini fertilization. Its formulation is, in fact, able to increase: fertilizers efficiency of use, vegetative vigor, root system and resistance against abiotic stress.

Average fresh weight for each experimental plot and root volume quality index between 1 and 4, after 30 days from transplanting in the 2 compared treatments.
Activeg is a biostimulant obtained from enzymatic hydrolysate of the Fabaceae biomass, containing triacontanol and free L-amino acids, active substances ready to use by crops. The production process of the formulation allows to obtain high quality protein hydrolysates with a low degree of racemization, highly compatible with the biochemistry and physiology of plants. The product can be applied both in fertigation and foliar application, just a few days after transplanting and can be used just before harvesting.
To confirm what previously stated, Hydro Fert can present experimental tests of Activeg on zucchini plants which – at a dose of 10 liters/ha in fertigation, for 3 applications during the cultivation cycle – has achieved excellent goals in terms of efficacy in improving vegetative growth, roots, flowering and production yields.