

The collaboration between Hydro Fert and the ‘Locorotondo Agriculture High School’ continues

Hydro Fert get to class with a shared project as part of the Three-Year Syllabus of Education (Piano Triennale dell’Offerta Formativa – P.T.O.F), which stars the Locorotondo Agricultural High School “Basile Caramia – Gigante”.
The project, started in 2019 and going on for the next school years, is titled “Management of soil fertility and plant nutrition” and implies the making of technical-practical activities carried out by students, to better know and use agronomic practices for crops nutrition.


Involved in such educational and cultural activities, students are called to use few Hydro Fert products for soil and foliar applications as well as fertigation in educational gardens, olive and grape fields.
The purpose of this project, including also a final informative meeting, is to spread, through teaching, educational and cultural activities, some theoretical and practical notions on soil fertilization, using products of natural origin such as Hydro Fert ones. An opportunity not to be missed for future professionals of rural world and agricultural tourism to experience the agrarian reality, which represents the sector at the basis of these activities, besides being one of the leading sectors of Italian economy, especially for the South of Italy