

Strawberry: one of the most popular fruits

Strawberry is a perennial plant belonging to the Fragaria genus, with a creeping development, tap root and rhizomatous stem. Strawberries are actually “false fruits”, resulting from the growth of the receptacle. Real fruits are the achenes, namely the yellow “seeds” that can be seen on its surface.

The development of strawberries is strongly influenced by light and temperature, so temperate climates are ideal for its growth.

The most suitable soils for strawberry cultivation must be loose or medium-textured, sub-acid, without water stagnation, with low electrical conductivity and with a good exposure to the sunlight. It is important to maintain a good percentage of organic substance, by integrating the lacking nutrients with mineral fertilizers.

An essential factor to obtain a good cultivation is the choice of the right variety to be planted, based on climate conditions and therefore the thermoperiod (number of cold hours). That being said, we can divide strawberries into:

short-day plants differentiate flowers with less than 12 hours of light;

long-day plants differentiate flowers with more than 14 hours of light;

day-neutral plants differentiate flowers with any light hours, following the thermoperiod.

Hydro Fert has developed a specific fertilization plan to help strawberry growers

Strawberries are certainly one of the most popular fruits, that’s why Hydro Fert decided to develop a specific fertilization plan that helps farmers.

Specifically, for each phenological phase we recommend the most suitable products to achieve the expected goal. Below is a summary chart:

Phenological phase Goal Foliar Application Fertigation Soil Application
Pre-transplanting Complete nutrition Power Land 15-9-15 + 2 Mg
Transplanting and post-transplanting Roots development and nutrition Grow Quick Fertil Drip 10-50-10
Vegetative growth Vegetative-reproductive balance and biostimulation Vigor L Rapido Hydro Gold Veg
Flowering and fruit growth Better fruit setting and increase in fruit size Hydro Special Fertil Drip 12-8-24 + 10CaO
Ripening Better coloring and overcoloring of fruits and increased sugar production (°Bx) Maturando + Matura Plus Fertil Drip 12-8-24 + 10 CaO

To get the right doses or a more specific fertilization plan, you can contact our company at the following e-mail address: