

Hydro Fert supports the “FAI” to protect the beauty of our Country

Hydro Fert decides to support the FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano by joining the Corporate Golden Donor membership program.

The Italian landscape and cultural heritage, which the FAI seeks to safeguard and promote, is unique and it is a fundamental resource to invest in, with a view to helping our wonderful country to grow, develop and flourish.

Alongside the FAI, we want to create a major protection project that is also an ambitious cultural challenge: making Italy a more beautiful place to live, work and raise our children.

Italy is the place where we at Hydro Fert have chosen to realize our idea, where we have decided to bring wealth with our business vision and where we want to have the opportunity to enjoy all the beauty that surrounds us. A beauty that we feel we can protect through active participation and deeds aimed at safeguarding the immense Italian artistic and cultural heritage.

Thanks to the support of its numerous members, both private citizens and companies, the FAI has protected and managed 70 properties throughout the country for over 50 years, defending and opening to the public all the wonderful natural, cultural and artistic gems spread all over our countryside, cities and coasts. Very important historical, artistic and landscape settlements saved from neglect and restored, such as the Abbey of Santa Maria di Cerrate, granted in concession to the FAI by the Province of Lecce (Italy), in 2012.

As a prerequisite for a future that meets everyone’s expectations, especially those of the new generations, we want to share with the FAI its daily commitment to educate and sensitize the community to knowledge, respect and care for art and nature and to be the mouthpiece for the demands of civil society, supervising and actively intervening on the territory.

With the FAI, we want a more protected and more beautiful Italy.

Because we know well the importance of a seed planted today, in order to reap its fruits tomorrow.