

Localized fertilizer’s application for cereals: more benefits, less waste


Times change and so do fertilization techniques. After years of undifferentiated fertilization, this is the moment for a more focused and accurate approach.

The reasons can be of different kinds: soil depletion, expensive fertilizers, climate change, the European Green Deal and a superior environmental awareness by farmers. The necessity is to maximize the benefits of fertilization and minimize the nutrients supply.

This goal can be achieved by localized fertilizer’s application: a technique that allows, during seeding time, to supply fertilizers close to seeds, just nearby the future roots. This way, the fertilizer improves the early development of young plants, reduces the negative influence of climatic events and helps plants to grow in a more balanced way, thus improving the quality and quantity of yields.

Phosphorus: a precious element in first stages

Among all the nutrients, phosphorus is with no doubt the most important one during the initial phase. Its requirements are higher in early stages of plants development, right after germination. Being phosphorus an element characterized by poor mobility, it is important its availability in close proximity to the seed, in order to facilitate both roots development and a faster growth.

Localized fertilizer’s application allows to apply granules exactly where it is required, thus optimizing both time and costs as well as reducing unnecessary nutrients supply.

Micro Start 11-50: Hydro Fert response

Hydro Fert, always paying attention to the evolutions of its sector, has created Micro Start 11-50: a microgranular NP fertilizer, to be used during the early growing phases of crops. Thanks to the high content of phosphorus and zinc chelate, it stimulates the lengthening of root system and allows a faster rooting and growing stages.

Micro Start 11-50 can be applied through the micro-granulators available in seeding machines with lower doses, thus reducing any waste and so optimizing times and the related distribution costs. In case of wheat or barley seeding, the product can be applied directly into the hopper along with seeds.